AlmaCrawler à Myplant & Garden dans le Hall 20 stand H50
Du 23 au 25 février 2022, nous participerons à la manifestation Myplant & Garden, l’un des plus importants événements professionnels de la branche des jardins, des plantations et de la création de zones vertes en Italie!
Venez nous visiter dans le Hall 20 Stand H50 au centre d’exposition Fiera Milano-Rho pour voir notre nouveau Spiderboom BILLENNIUM 1570 ETS, le JIBBI U-1570 EVO et notre élévateur à ciseaux sur chenilles BIBI 870-BL EVO !
Myplant & Garden est le moteur du secteur de l’horticulture et du paysage en Italie. Outre le fait de favoriser les messages et les modes de vie durables, c’est le seul événement qui propose et promeut l’ensemble de l’industrie verte à travers ses 9 macro-secteurs (pépinières, fleurs, décoration, construction, machines, services, technologie, pots, mobilier de jardin). Vous pouvez obtenir de plus amples informations et acheter des billets en cliquant ici.
La Spiderboom B1570 ETS combine les principales caractéristiques des nacelles automotrices à rouleaux avec celles des nacelles stabilisées à chenilles.
Avec une extension maximum de 9,6 m, une hauteur de travail maximum de 15 m, la présence de notre système unique de stabilisation automatique de la zone fixe avec une largeur de seulement 2,48 m, et un poids total de 2620 kg, le B1570 ETS est un nouveau produit morphologiquement unique avec une expérience utilisateur plus simple et une adaptabilité supérieure au marché. En plus, grâce au révolutionnaire SPS (Self-Propelled Skilled System) il est possible d’utiliser la machine même sans abaisser les stabilisateurs, sur des pentes jusqu’à 10° longitudinalement et jusqu’à 8m de hauteur.
La nacelle automotrice sur chenilles JIBBI U-1570 a une hauteur de travail de 15,4 m, une portée maximale de 9,65 m et un bras en aluminium ultralégère, conçue en collaboration avec Multitel Pagliero. Avec un poids total de 2895 kg, la plate-forme est facilement transportable et génère une pression au sol extrêmement réduite.
Pour terminer, la nacelle à ciseaux BIBI 870-BL EVO se caractérise par un châssis extensible et pliable de 1,5 x 1,20 m, une hauteur de travail maximale de 8 m, une capacité du châssis de 250 kg (pour deux opérateurs) et la possibilité de se déplacer jusqu’à 6 m de hauteur.
Les gammes de produits JIBBI et BIBI sont toutes deux dotées d’un système de nivellement automatique qui permet de travailler avec une simplicité et une sécurité absolue, même sur des pentes prononcées et sur des terrains accidentés, en affrontant des inclinaisons allant jusqu’à 25°.
Équipés de moteurs endothermiques, ils peuvent être équipés d’une pompe électrique 220V ou 110V et peuvent être alimentés directement par une prise électrique, offrant ainsi une fantastique solution à zéro émission pour une utilisation intérieure et extérieure.
Vous trouverez AlmaCrawler dans le hall 20, stand H50.
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AlmaCrawler et GGR Group au salon Executive Hire Show
Venez découvrir le nouveau ML 3.0 FX au salon Executive Hire Show, du 9 au 10 février, sur le stand B12 !
L’un des salons les plus importants pour le secteur de la location de matériel de levage au Royaume-Uni revient !
En Février, avec notre distributeur GGR Group, nous serons présents au Executive Hire Show à Coventry, chez le Coventry Building Society Arena. Le salon rassemble l’industrie du levage et est l’occasion pour les entreprises de location du Royaume-Uni et d’Irlande de rencontrer les fournisseurs et les fabricants du secteur. La foire aura lieu les jours mercredi 9 et jeudi 10 février 2022. Vous pouvez obtenir de plus informations et acheter des billets ici.
La gamme de produits Multi-Loader, distribuée au Royaume-Uni grâce à notre partenariat avec GGR Group, est conçue pour vous aider à déplacer des charges lourdes dans des conditions presque impossibles ! Vous devez déplacer des charges lourdes sur un terrain en pente ou glissant ?
La gamme Multi-Loader est la solution qu’il vous faut ! Nos modèles ML 2.5 ou ML 6.0, dotés de la technologie révolutionnaire brevetée bi-nivelant, peuvent supporter des pentes allant jusqu’à 20°, tandis que notre nouveau modèle ML 3.0 FX capable de transporter jusqu’à 3 000 kg, et entièrement électrique et est si petit qu’il peut passer par une porte standard. Vous pouvez découvrir plus de détails sur ce produit ici et, si vous assistez au salon Executive Hire, vous pourrez le voir en direct lors de la présentation “Innovation Trail“.
Avec différentes configurations de puissance pour les modèles plus grands, le nouveau mini-transporteur à chenilles ML 3.0 FX est entièrement électrique, équipé de deux moteurs CA super silencieux de 5,3 kW chacun et est équipé d’un bloc de batteries AGM ou lithium-ion amovible, ce qui en fait le choix idéal pour ceux qui doivent déplacer des charges lourdes dans des espaces restreints, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur.
GGR Group, fondé en 1995 par Graeme et Gill Riley, est la première marque spécialisée dans la vente et la location d’équipements de levage au Royaume-Uni. Grâce à une excellente équipe commerciale et technique, l’entreprise a pu renforcer sa présence internationale.
Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Visitez:
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Briggs Equipment adds AlmaCrawler’s Jibbi and Bibi line to their fleet
First units of Jibbi 1250 EVO and Bibi 1090 EVO were delivered to Briggs Equipment by Inspectec Access Equipment Sales
The company was acquired by Charles Sammons in 1952 and became a proper independent division of Sammons Enterprises – which is largely a financial and insurance group – in 1996, when it also dropped the Weaver name, becoming Briggs Equipment. That same year it opened its first overseas operation in Mexico, where it was appointed the Yale forklift dealer.
In 2006 it moved into the UK when it acquired the material handling division of Caterpillar dealer Finning UK which said at the time that it wanted to focus its efforts on its Hewden rental business.
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CPL becomes AlmaCrawler’s UK distributor for AWP Line
AlmaCrawler has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Cumberland Platforms Ltd for its AWP product line for the entire UK territory.
Established in 2011 by Paul and Michela Murphy, CPL Ltd quickly became one of the leading players in the UK access industry with one of the widest product ranges in the country.
The company’s highly skilled team offers sales of and technical service for lifting platforms throughout the UK, offering customers a simple and straightforward user experience. Quality excellence has always been one of the company’s main objectives: CPL has achieved numerous quality certifications, including: ISO 9001, HEA (Highways Electrical Association), IPAF and VCA.
Commenting on the new partnership, CPL’s Managing Director Paul Murphy, said the following: “We have seen incredible growth in CPL over the past few years and to help with this continual success I wanted a quality product that could be sold and maintained by us without impacting our production. I was impressed with the Almac product and its quality. Once I visited the factory and met the Almac team my mind was made up, Almac is a perfect fit in the CPL portfolio and I’m really excited for 2022 and beyond‘’.
Our General Manager, Andrea Artoni, said: “We are delighted to partner with CPL for our AWP Line products in the UK. Through this partnership we will consolidate our presence throughout the UK, strengthening our sales and support service for the Bibi, Jibbi and Billennium products that our customers have come to appreciate. We strongly believe this new partnership with the CPL team will create great results since we share core values and operate with the same professionalism and determination.”
AlmaCrawler and Cumberland Platforms Ltd signed the agreement following visits to both HQs, both confident that the partnership will be able to offer UK customers a higher standard of service.
Since launching its first self-levelling scissors in 2013, AlmaCrawler has been steadily expanding, determined to consolidate its market in the UK.
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Almacrawler partners with Vannucci Piante to supply its unique aerial platforms
The Italian industry giant Vannucci Piante chooses the BIBI and JIBBI lines
Vannucci Piante is one of the undisputed global leaders in the tree nursery industry. Based in Tuscany Italy, it grows and exports more than 3000 plant varieties in more than 60 countries around the world, including Buckingham Palace!
Almacrawler Italia partnered with Vannucci Piante to match them with one of our unique aerial platforms for their Pistoia (Tuscany) HQs in order to:
- improve safety standards
- facilitate daily operations
- perfectly cater to the operator needs of the tree nursery sector giant.
After a visit at the Almacrawler Viadana premises, Vannucci Piante’s Purchasing Team identified both the BIBI and JIBBI lines as adequate and able to handle the range of applications the tree nursery company has to handle.
Almacrawler delivered the BIBI 870 EVO and JIBBI 1250 EVO at the beginning of May and provided a two-day training with on-site operators, exploring all the various capabilities the two models allow for.
Watch the video below that features the highlights of those two days of training.
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MULTI AWP is the official distributor for AlmaCrawler in Poland
AlmaCrawler teams up with MULTI AWP for the AWP and Material Handling Product Lines in Poland.
AlmaCrawler, Italian self-levelling crawler lifts manufacturer, has signed an agreement with MULTI AWP who becomes the official dealer for the AWP and Material Handling Lines in Poland.
Newly established, MULTI AWP is headed by Lucjan Bogdan, an industry veteran in the country with 14+ years of experience in building brand recognition for well-known lift manufacturers. The wealth of knowledge in selecting the right equipment has allowed the company to quickly establish itself and adequately support rental companies and end users alike.
MULTI AWP will work closely with its two supporting partners – Spiderlift (company specializing in renting, selling and servicing Pajak crawler unit lifts) and Małe Żurawie (rental company with a growing mini crane rental fleet supplying for installation of structures, oversized glass, relocation of machinery and confined space applications).
Commenting on the new partnership, Lucjan Bogdan said the following: “Through this collaboration MULTI AWP and AlmaCrawler will build a stronger presence in Poland. We were quite literally fascinated by the driving properties of these machines. The patented and unique bi-leveling system will allow our customers to solve a lot of problems on site. The possibility to work on important gradients is the unique functionality of these machines, which coupled with the high quality of the AlmaCrawler products and support will be key to its success here in Poland.”
AlmaCrawler Dealer Network Manager, Jonathan Vioni, said: “We are extremely pleased to have established a new official partnership in a rapidly growing market like Poland that is experiencing an increasing demand for problem solving and superiorly safer products. In order to cater to that increasing demand our goal was to reinforce our presence in the country through a strategic partnership with market-aware, experienced, business-savvy partners. This is why we were pleased to define this agreement with MULTI AWP and partner companies Spiderlift and Male Zurawie managed by Mr Lucjan Bogdan and Piotr Niewiarowski, and therefore be able to offer a full coverage for sales and dedicated service all around Poland, for both our AWP Line (BIBI, JIBBI and Billennium machines) as well as the Material Handling Line – the Multi-Loader range.”
Following a series of both virtual and live negotiations, AlmaCrawler and MULTI AWP have reached an agreement, both confident that the partnership will be able to offer the Polish market a higher standard of services.
AlmaCrawler has been constantly growing since it rolled out its first self-levelling scissor lift in 2013, and with more than 35 dealers worldwide, it continues to expand its dealer network while increasing its product lines.
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AlmaCrawler & GISEXPO 2021: trois jours de conférences et de rencontres
AlmaCrawler participe à la huitième édition de GISEXPO 2021 et gagne le prix du produit innovant Italplatform.
Le 9 octobre, le GIS EXPO 2021, un salon annuel auquel nous participons toujours avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme, a terminé : voir directement nos partenaires, collaborateurs et clients a été très excitant et nous pouvons dire avec certitude que le salon a été un véritable succès ! Au cours de la deuxième journée de l’événement, les Italplatform Awards 2021, prix prestigieux dans le secteur des plateformes élévatrices, ont été attribués et nous, d’ AlmaCrawler…
Nous avons obtenu le prix de l’innovation!
Notre nouvelle plate-forme à chenilles stabilisée Billennium B1890 EVO Quick-Pro a gagné le prix de l’innovation produit. Grâce au système innovant AWP (Adaptive Working Performance) qui optimise automatiquement la portée en fonction du positionnement réel des stabilisateurs en mesurant l’angle de descente de chacun d’entre eux, de même que le SPS (Self-Propelled System) qui, pour la première fois, permet à une plate-forme stabilisée sur chenilles de travailler en hauteur même sans stabilisateurs. Ces caractéristiques, combinées à d’autres caractéristiques uniques de la nouvelle ligne Billennium, ont conquis le jury !
Pour résumer : Merci!
Merci à tous les visiteurs de GIS EXPO 2021 : il était formidable de voir beaucoup d’entre vous pour la première fois et de rencontrer des clients et des collaborateurs de longue date!
Merci aux organisateurs de GIS EXPO 2021 pour un événement bien organisé, merci au jury d’ITALPLATFORM pour avoir cru en nous et en notre produit!
Merci à toute notre merveilleuse team sans laquelle nous n’aurions pas pu acquérir ce prix prestigieux ni avoir une participation aussi positive à le salon. Et c’est notre courage, notre créativité et la détermination de chacun des membres de notre team qui nous permettent d’atteindre nos résultats!
Regardez notre vidéo
Nous avons apprécié votre participation pendant la salon, c’est pourquoi nous vous avons intégré dans une petite vidéo qui capture les principaux moments qui ont été réalisés pendant GIS EXPO 2021!
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GGR Group becomes the UK Multi-Loader Line exclusive distributor for AlmaCrawler
AlmaCrawler teams up with GGR Group for the Material Handling Multi-Loader Line in the UK
AlmaCrawler has signed a distribution agreement with GGR Group for the Multi-Loader Line for the whole territory of the UK.
Established in 1995, GGR Group is the Number 1 brand for lifting solutions. The company was founded by Graeme and Gill Riley and offers sales and hire of specialist lifting equipment throughout the UK, supported with an expert technical team, a service department, and accredited training centres nationwide.
Commenting on the new partnership, CEO for GGR Group, Graeme Riley said the following: “Through this collaboration GGR and AlmaCrawler will continue to support the UK construction industry to hit is environmental targets and eventual zero carbon emissions. The partnership will deliver products that are safer, more efficient, ergonomic, electric, fabricated to the highest standards supported by excellent after sales service making the UK a greener place.”
AlmaCrawler general manager, Andrea Artoni, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with GGR Group for our Multi-Loader Line products in the UK. This will strengthen our presence, first and foremost benefiting our longstanding and new clients because they will be able to rely on expert, professional advice and support. We have worked with this company in the last few years with excellent results and are very much looking forward to continue this collaboration.”
Following a series of virtual negotiations, AlmaCrawler and GGR Group have officially signed the agreement last week at Vertikal Days, both confident that the partnership will be able to offer British customers a higher standard of services.
AlmaCrawler has been constantly growing since it rolled out its first self-levelling scissor lift in 2013, and with more than 35 dealers worldwide. Following the establishment of their UK subsidiary – Almac Atlantic LTD, the Italian company has confirmed a series of partnerships with UK key players and expects to continue consolidating its British market and improve overall market share.
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Multi-Loader 3.0 FX launched at Vertikal Days
AlmaCrawler officially presented a new product for its Multi-Loader Line at Vertikal Days in Peterborough last week – the ML 3.0 FX.
The ML 3.0 FX is a powerful and versatile flatbed truck carrier which can be used in various heavy duty applications both indoors and outdoors, with a maximum load capacity of 3,000kg. It has class leading electric drive with two super quiet AC electric motors, 5.3 kW each [rated IP 67]. It can be fitted with both AGM or Lithium batteries, both options inside an easily extractable battery pack that will allow you to change it quickly on the job site and continue your work.
It has four telescopic support beams on each angle to provide for added support for extra large loads. These can be positioned into place manually and therefore extend the platform either longitudinally or laterally.
The standard swivel platform sits on a freely-rotating slewing ring with 16 different positions which you can also manually choose from and easily adapt the platform to your load.
Finally, the new ML 3.0 FX with its electric drive and less than 800kg weight, longer tracks and adaptive rollers fully represents AlmaCrawler’s desire to cater to its material handling customers and their wide range of needs.
See the video presentation here:
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First live show for the Billennium Line at Vertikal Days 2021
Almacrawler will be showcasing its Billennium Line for the first time at Vertikal Days 2021
After what will be 28 long months since the last Vertikal Days event, there is a very positive vibe in the air from the UK crane and access fraternity looking forward to catching up the new venue, the East of England Arena & Showground in Peterborough.
We are excited to be able to officially present our Billennium line in an international show since its debut in April 2021.
We will present a host of new products, starting from the technologically forward Spiderboom Billennium Line to the latest addition to the MultiLoader Line – a compact, powerful, electric drive tracked carrier.
The Billennium Line’s front runner, the B1890 Quick-Pro, with its variable automated stabilization will show you how we thought a stabilized tracked spiderboom should work. Lightweight and conceptually unique, the Billennium Line takes advantage of our years of experience with levelling technology as well as our desire to fill the gap in our product range.
The UK show will also be a great opportunity to see the new aluminum-boom Jibbi U-1570, the result of our collaboration with Multitel Pagliero, weighing only 2930kg with a max outreach of 9.67m. The machine has been in the UK for a few months now but this will the first time participating in a show.
Finally, we are excited to unveil a new tracked carrier joinig our MultiLoader Line – the new ML 3.0 FX.
With so much to see, we eagerly invite you to join us at Stand 501 for a chance to see and talk about our current and future products!
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